Nikki Cairns



Alongside Shaun, Nikki heads up the Accounts team and has an impressive and diverse portfolio of clients, with a focus on agriculture and hospitality.

Day-to-day, she’s always on the other end of the line when clients need advice and guidance, and is proud to be a partner in a highly regarded local firm with a long standing history.

Most of Nikki’s free time is now taken up with her young family, including the dog. However, she will take the opportunity to fit in a skiing trip if she can!

Over the past three years, we’ve built a very strong relationship with Randall & Payne and they’ve worked extremely efficiently and diligently in filing our accounts, supporting the transition we’ve made from a small to well-established business. They have also been instrumental in educating our business on R&D tax credits, their attention to detail and guidance through this process has resulted in consistent successful outcomes.

Nick Woodrow


Articles By Nikki