There’s more to an audit than just ticking boxes.

Our high-quality and efficiently tailored audit services are informed by the latest technical standards and provide a valuable resource to our clients at a time when independent challenge and scrutiny is as important as ever.

How We Operate

Our team of experts is passionate about providing concise and actionable feedback on your financial reporting processes.

We get to know you and your business from the commencement of our appointment, understanding what is important to you and how you can benefit from our independent assurance services.

At a time when the roles of auditors are being closely scrutinised, we are immensely proud of our record of diligence and professionalism.

Randall & Payne | Audit - We see things differently

Other Assurance Services

  • Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) Audits
  • Grant Audits
  • Pension Scheme Audits
  • Independent Examinations
  • Internal Assurance

Do You Need an Audit?

Linked below are some resources to help you determine whether your business will require an audit. Feel free to contact us if you are unsure.

Private limited companies:


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