Movement theme for Mental Health Awareness Week 2024
Category: R&P News, Wellbeing

Movement is a great way to enhance our mental wellbeing

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19 May), an annual event where the whole of the UK comes together to focus on achieving good mental health, with the aim to tackle stigma and enable people to understand and prioritise mental health.

This year’s theme set by the Mental Health Foundation is movement which is one of the most important things we can do to help protect our mental health. Even a short of brisk walking for 10 minutes a day can boost our mood and help us to be more mentally alert. Movement also helps to reduce stress and anxiety and can help to improve sleep.

It is widely known that accountancy is a highly pressured profession and the success of our people is our priority at Randall & Payne, so it is important that we take care of them. As a reminder, the five pillars of good mental wellbeing are:

  1. Connection
  2. Relaxation
  3. Exercise
  4. Healthy eating
  5. Sleep

It’s important to take a break away from your desk and our team is encouraged to take part in the activity during the lunch hour. Some go for a regular walk along Chargrove Lane close to the office which is also a chance to enjoy the wildlife, be it lambs in the surrounding fields or the deers which regular visit our grounds. Others choose to play table tennis or darts in our games room. Once a week a group get together for a 10-minute meditation session, usually inside but sometimes outside if the weather is kind. During a spell of good weather there is a badminton net and swingball set for use in the garden and you can sometimes hear the sound of a football being kicked around.

When possible, between cricket matches and training sessions, we like to get the team together for a rounders game after work at the Hatherley & Reddings Cricket Club over the road. Several of the team also take part in 5-a-side football matches and golf days, and we organise our own charity fundraisers such as the recent swim challenge and later in the year we have a team taking part in the Cheltenham Half/10K.

In addition to taking care of ourselves in terms of eating healthily, getting quality sleep, or taking part in a hobby, it is important that our people know that they can talk about how they are feeling and seek help from our mental health first aiders if needed. We also have access to an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) called MetLife which provides unlimited access to 24/7, 365 days a year impartial support and information.

There is a certainly desire to move already and it is evident from our recent staff survey there is a desire to do more following comments about the possibility of the firm offering discounted gym membership!


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